The line of Life

The line of life, is the most important and controversial line on hand. This line extends from the edge of the palm above the thumb and travels in an arc towards the wrist.

This line is believed to represent the person's vitality and vigor, physical health and general well being. 

Some of variations of lifeline and its representations are discussed below.

• A perfect line, without breaks, crosses, or irregularities of any kind, promises healthy and extremely long life. 

• An imperfect line made up of little pieces like a chain or found splitting into little hair lines, represents bad health.

• When the line starting slopes downward from the mount of Jupiter then it denotes an ambitious life.

• A line connected with that of the head is a good sign denoting caution, carefulness.

• All lines that rise upward from the line of life towards the mount of Jupiter show that all ambitions of the subject are fulfilled. A line rising from the life line evolving on the mount of Saturn shows a golden period of life. A line from the life to the mount of the Sun indicates glory and success due to the subject's own life, and not to outside circumstances or to chances.

• Lines running in the opposite direction cutting the line of life show worries and obstacles.

• When the lines of life, head, and heart are all joined together at the commencement, it is a very unfortunate sign, denoting that the person has bad temperament and he may put himself in danger while dealing with other people.

• A medium space between head and life line denotes that the subject is more free to carry out the plans of the life and have great energy and self confidence.